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Walnut Creek

Walnut Creek, California

SMARDT Provides Improved Controlled Comfort Cooling and great energy savings.

The replacement of an older less energy efficient chiller at Urban West Business Park building in Walnut Creek, California, with an efficient energy saving SMARDT chiller, has brought impressive energy savings for this customer. 

The challenge

The challenge with this project was to ensure the customer got the right SMARDT product to meet and surpass expectations of energy savings in their building, and to get it installed on time and within budget.

Urban West Business Park
Walnut Creek, California
Office Building

Scope of work & solution

For this installation, SMARDT teamed up with partner American Chiller Service (ACS), an independent large tonnage air conditioning company who provide installation services to northern and central California and beyond, and who have built a solid reputation for experience, professional advice, and customer service.

Reliable, low maintenance energy efficient comfort cooling of this office space was of prime importance to this customer.


Chiller improvements, benefits & results

Within a short timeframe of bringing the new SMARDT chiller on-line, the customer was seeing energy savings, and the cumulative results speak for themselves: less maintenance and significant energy and $ savings in each year since operating the new SMARDT chiller. 

And each subsequent year of operation brought continued similar benefits and further cost savings. In the first year of operation, annual building electricity costs were reduced by 20% which equates to an almost $42,000 annual savings, the equipment acoustic signature was reduced to 70dBA, annual maintenance costs were reduced, system redundancy was increased, ozone friendly R134a is the refrigerant used, and with the magnetic bearing technology of the compressor, oil is completely eliminated from the system, thus removing any possibility of risk of oil contamination in the refrigerant.

With SMARDTs emphasis on developing a lead in lowest cost of operation, performance, and reliability, this translates into the lowest cost of ownership of any chiller on the market, and brings major benefits for both owners and for the environment.


SMARDT and ACS’ joint efforts are making a valuable contribution to California’s energy reduction and green house gas emissions policy (Assembly Bill 32 – the Global Warming Solutions Act of 2006, which mandates that California must reduce its greenhouse gas emissions to 1990 levels by 2020).

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