Global reach, single focus

The Smardt team shares more than 25 years' experience working with power electronics, magnetic bearings and oil-free centrifugal chillers.

Pioneer and world leader in high-efficiency oil-free chillers​

Smardt’s founder Roger Richmond-Smith and his technical partner Ron Conry started Turbocor oil-free compressor development in 1993 in Melbourne, Australia. Their team moved to Montreal, Canada, in 2000 to complete this breakthrough technology’s development and its 2003 commercial launch. Turbocor partnered with Danfoss in 2004 when Roger retired to academia in Paris. In 2005, he partnered with the U.K.’s Direct Energy to start Smardt as the world’s first chiller company dedicated solely to high-efficiency lowest-lifetime-cost oil-free centrifugals.

Today, Smardt’s pioneering commitment since 2005 has already dramatically cut global chiller energy consumption and owner operating costs with over 10,000 Smardt chillers now operating. This decarbonization and innovation campaign continues into the long term. 

Company History

Global Management Team

Ashraf Abdalla

Chief Executive Officer

Philippe Rousset

Global Chief Financial Officer​

Megan Schoonberg

Vice President, Global Risk Management and Legal Affairs

Jean Turquois

Vice President, Business Optimization, Global Strategy and Planning

Feng Kong

Vice President, Global Manufacturing and Supply Chain

Joseph D’Antonio

Global Technical Support Director

Martin Dubois

Global Information Technology Director

Cam Whitelaw

Global Marketing Director

Caleb Jones

General Manager, Kiltech and Energy Management Consultancy (KEMC)

Americas Region

David Donges

Commercial General Manager

Scott Johnson

Manufacturing General Manager

Asim Ahmed

Service Manager

Joseph Bissi

Engineering Manager

EMEA Region

Kay Wyrwich

Commercial General Manager

Sebastien Abel

Service Manager EMEA

Christian Richter

Director International Sales EMEA

Iris Lutz

Chief Financial Officer

Greater Asia Pacific Region

Ken Lim

General Manager, Greater Asia Pacific Region

Wayne Chee

Manufacturing General Manager

Amir Modirzareh

Engineering Manager

Sophie Vaucher


Anson Kok

Service Manager

Michael Leong

Senior Sales Manager, Singapore

Allan Lim

Senior Channel Sales Manager

Derek Chan

APAC Data Centre Director

Ayu Sarahasri

Finance Director, Greater Asia

Greater China & NE Asia Region

Shixun Tian

General Manager, Greater China and NE Asia Region

Winston Chow

Commercial General Manager, China

Anna He

Manufacturing General Manager

Lysia Chen

CFO, China

Kenneth Lee​

Commercial General Manager, Hong Kong SAR

Alice Shin​

Finance Manager, Hong Kong SAR

We’re looking for a few good people.

Looking to take your career to the next level? Join the Smardt team.