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T-Class air-cooled chillers

T-Class is the optimal solution for applications requiring quiet, efficient cooling.

So quiet you can have a normal conversation standing next to the machine at full load!

Revolutionary low-noise operation with high efficiency

When noisy cooling systems are a big concern, Smardt provides the optimal solution: T-Class oil-free chillers.

A chiller that knows when to hush

Smardt T-Class sound ratings are typically below 85 dBA at 1 meter. That’s about 20 dBA lower than oil-lubricated air-cooled screw chillers—almost 25% quieter.

The Smardt T-Class is for installations where excessive noise is not permitted at certain times, such as residential neighborhoods at night. The system’s Active Noise Control feature allows you to limit the chiller’s sound output during specific periods of operation.

40% more efficient than ASHRAE code

Variable speed enables the  Smardt T-Class chiller to  precisely match capacity with greater energy efficiency.  In comparison to ASHRAE® 90.1-2016,  Smardt T-Class oil-free air-cooled chillers have Integrated Part Load Values (IPLV)  that perform 40% more efficiently.


What’s more, Smardt’s Free-Cooling* integrates special bypass circuitry, controls, and safeguards. Our optional Free Cooling package can dramatically increase T-Class chiller efficiencies at low ambient temperatures. 

T-Class is an optimal solution for applications requiring quiet, efficient cooling, for office towers, greenhouse facilities and data centers.

Key features and benefits:

An abundance of cost saving measures

Older variable-speed screw chillers require a large footprint on the roof top. They are noisy and energy intensive.

By comparison, Smardt T-Class oil-free air-cooled chillers, are extremely quiet. They are also highly efficient, especially at part load. The result: lower power consumption when running your Smardt chiller.

Most Smardt customers realize immediate saving, with some Smardt installations actually paying for themselves within two years.

Your investment in any Smardt oil-free magnetic bearing chiller provides:

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