Testing + Certifications
All Smardt chillers are ETL-listed. Smardt evaporators and condensers naturally conform to the ASME pressure vessel codes.
All Smardt chillers are certified and ETL-listed.

Electrical safety for the life of the chiller is a fundamental requirement throughout the company. Smardt evaporators and condensers naturally conform to the ASME pressure vessel codes.
Their energy efficiency performance is certified according to AHRI standard 550/590, as is confirmed by AHRI on its website www.ahrinet.org. The IPLV performance of its chillers always exceeds minimum levels set out by ASHRAE standard 90.1, CSA 743, Eurovent, Australia’s MEPS, China’s CRAA and others, usually by a very considerable margin. Smardt, in company with the majority of the HVACR industry’s leading engineers, considers the use of full-load energy efficiencies to predict any chiller’s actual year-round energy-efficiency under US comfort-cooling conditions to be totally misleading, and therefore discourages the use of them.
Helping you to achieve LEED certification for your building or engineering project.
Smardt technology can be very useful in achieving LEED certification for your building, whether in existing buildings, core and shell or new construction, because it can help win critical points in the Energy & Atmosphere category. Market research by the US Green Building Council finds that the streamlined LEED process is second only to rising energy costs as a driver for stronger adoption of green building practices and the transformation of the built environment to sustainability. Smardt is a member of the USGBC.

Supporting the EPA's Responsible Use vision
The EPA’s Responsible Use vision encourages manufacturers, system designers and owners to invest in products and technologies which document sustainability of the highest efficiencies in tandem with lowest emissions. Smardt is a strong supporter of the vision, and the EPA.
Witness testing lorem ipsum dolor
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur.
Witness tests can be arranged on appropriate notice and for an appropriate fee on Smardt’s AHRI-certified test stands in Montreal, Quebec, Melbourne, Victoria and Guangzhou, Guangdong.