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Revolutionary cooling for manufacturing

Smardt oil-free chillers can help improve product quality and yield.

Greater reliability with lower energy costs.

Hundreds of manufacturers worldwide rely on Smardt oil-free chillers to make their operations more profitable and productive. And no wonder. Smardt offers the most proven and comprehensive line of oil-free air-cooled, water-cooled, and evaporatively-cooled chillers in the world. Capacities range from 60 to 3,600 tons.

Consumes up to 50% less power

The energy efficiency of Smardt oil-free chillers is 20% to 50% greater than conventional oil-lubricated systems. That can add up to big savings in your plant’s utility bills! Especially with 3 shifts requiring the chiller to run 24/7. 


Shafted impellers in the compressors rotate on magnetic bearings. No metal-on-metal contact means virtually zero wear and tear. Less vibration. Far less noise. Zero degradation.

Reduces down-time

Smardt oil-free chillers do not require lubrication systems. So operation is simpler. Removing oil from the equation can cut maintenance labor and expenses by up to 50% or more, which in turn, helps minimize down-time. Multiple compressors also help reduce down-time: When one compressor goes offline, the redundant compressors keep the chiller running. Also, in case of a power outage, Smardt’s Fast Restart feature can get a downed compressor up and running again quickly—in about 90 to 120 seconds.

Increases productivity and yield

Smardt oil-free chillers provide consistent, precision-controlled, reliable cooling. This way, you can deliver the optimal factory or plant environment to keep workers happy and productive. Plus, Smardt’s consistent chilling performance can help prevent heat-induced damage to sensitive products, such as electronics and medical devices.

Learn more about our Smardt installations

Want to learn more on our Smardt chillers?

Contact a specialist today.

Talk to an expert to find out which product is right for you, and how much you can save.

Other Industries


Smardt oil-free chillers are operating in hundreds of government installations, including office buildings and military bases throughout the world.
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Smardt oil-free chillers help pharmaceutical companies maintain efficacy and quality in the medicines they manufacture.
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Naval & Marine

Shipboard oil-free chillers are highly reliable, allowing vessels to reduce energy consumption longer. Smardt chillers can be built to any marine or naval certification. Our chillers operate quietly and with low vibration.
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