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Quality Policy

Smardt Quality Policy

Smardt Inc. is a global manufacturer of high efficiency, magnetic bearing oil-free centrifugal chillers with headquarters in North America. Smardt has the largest installed base of oil-free chillers in the world.

Smardt is focused on continually improving a robust Quality Management System (QMS) to exceed the requirements of our customers in a fast-growing competitive oil-free centrifugal market. The QMS is key to improving organizational clarity by involving all employees in our processes, and by extension to our valued customers. Smardt management is committed to ensuring that these principles are known, understood, and applied to foster continuous improvement in the performance of the organization towards quality excellence.

To ensure overall success of the system, Smardt will:

While the Chief Executive Officer holds ultimate responsibility for quality, all employees take ownership within their respective areas of work to ensure quality is integrated throughout the company.

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