Équipe de direction exécutive

Ashraf Abdalla
Chef de la direction
Ash, chef de la direction chez Smardt Chiller Group, est un leader transformationnel qui possède plus de vingt ans d’expérience mondiale dans la conduite de projets d’entreprise par le biais du développement commercial, de l’optimisation des processus et du leadership technologique. Avec une expérience éprouvée dans l’orchestration d’initiatives stratégiques et la réalisation d’une croissance durable sur les marchés mondiaux, Ash combine un leadership visionnaire avec une expertise pratique pour positionner Smardt en tant qu’innovateur de l’industrie.
En 2020, Ash a rejoint Smardt en tant que directeur de l’exploitation et a été nommé chef de la direction en 2022. Avant de rejoindre Smardt, il a occupé le poste de vice-président et directeur général de l’activité mondiale HVAC Applied Commercial Business chez Johnson Controls. À ce titre, il supervisait le segment Global Applied Equipment, qui comprend les refroidisseurs et les systèmes de traitement de l’air, ainsi que les opérations de pièces de rechange et la tarification mondiale. Avant d’occuper ce poste, M. Ash a assumé diverses fonctions de direction chez Johnson Controls, notamment celle de vice-président et directeur général pour le Moyen-Orient et l’Afrique de 2014 à 2018, et celle de vice-président et directeur général de l’activité Global Chiller Solutions de 2011 à 2014. De 1996 à 2010, il a occupé des postes clés aux États-Unis, au Royaume-Uni et en Europe, se concentrant sur l’intégration de la fabrication, la rationalisation des opérations et le soutien de la coentreprise JCI-Hitachi.
Ash est titulaire d’un baccalauréat en ingénierie mécanique de l’université de Westminster et d’une maîtrise en réfrigération et climatisation de l’université de Londres. En outre, il a suivi des cours de formation continue à l’université de Londres.

Feng Kong
Chief Operating Officer
Feng Kong serves as the Chief Operating Officer of Smardt, where he leads global safety, total quality across all divisions, global manufacturing and supply chain operations, as well as ensuring effective clinical execution throughout the organization to achieve the business plan and customer satisfaction. He also plays a key role in driving our profitable growth strategies, including portfolio and product expansion through mergers and acquisitions.
Prior to joining Smardt, Feng developed over 27 years of extensive experience in chiller and air-side operations across various leadership roles and regions, including China, Middle East, and North America. His notable positions include General Manager for Greater Asia Applied, Operations Director for Asia, Middle East, Africa, and India, and Global Continuous Improvement Director at Johnson Controls. Feng brings a strong expertise in lean manufacturing, manufacturing process engineering, and operational excellence.
Feng is a Lean Six Sigma Black Belt certified and KT practitioner and holds an MBA from Shanghai Jiao Tong University and a bachelor’s degree in mechanical engineering from Harbin Engineering University.

Philippe Rousset
Chef de la direction financière
Philippe Rousset est Chef de la direction financière chez Smardt et supervise toutes les fonctions financières, informatiques et ESG. Ses responsabilités englobent les relations avec les investisseurs, les fusions et acquisitions, la planification et l’analyse financières, la trésorerie, les finances des unités commerciales stratégiques, le contrôle de gestion, les rapports externes, l’audit, la fiscalité et la gestion des risques.
Au cours de ses 25 années de carrière, Philippe a occupé des postes clés au sein des corporations multinationales internationales, tant au siège de l’entreprise qu’en tant que partenaire des opérations régionales et locales. Il a notamment travaillé au Moyen-Orient (Liban et Qatar) et a rejoint la région Asie-Pacifique en 2013 en tant que directeur financier régional de Veolia Water Technologies, où il a mené des initiatives de transformation régionales. Passionné par les nouvelles technologies et les modèles économiques innovants, Philippe a fondé SHAFT Ph Consulting à Singapour pour aider les start-ups et les entreprises de taille moyenne à développer leurs activités en Asie.
Philippe est titulaire d’un un baccalauréat en physique et en chimie, d’une maîtrise en administration des affaires et d’une maîtrise en gestion durable de l’Imperial College de Londres (Royaume-Uni). Il est membre certifié de CPA Australia et expert en fusions et acquisitions internationales auprès de l’Institute for Mergers, Acquisitions and Alliances (IMAA), à Zurich, en Suisse.

Megan Schoonberg
VP Gestion des Risques & des Affaires Juridiques
Après une carrière de 20 ans dans le domaine du droit, de la conformité et de la gestion des risques dans le secteur des technologies à haut risque, Megan Schoonberg a rejoint Smardt en tant que vice-présidente de la gestion des risques et des affaires juridiques. Megan fait partie de l’équipe de direction et apporte son expertise au conseil d’administration, à la direction générale et aux équipes mondiales en matière de gouvernance d’entreprise, de gestion de la propriété intellectuelle, d’assurance, d’administration des contrats, de conformité internationale et de gestion des risques d’entreprise.
Également entrepreneure, Megan a co-créé et dirigé une organisation à but non lucratif qui aide les personnes âgées à rester actives en travaillant à temps partiel ; elle a présidé le conseil d’administration d’une organisation caritative à but non lucratif, vieille de 50 ans ; et elle a co-créé un fonds d’investissement qui fournit un financement de démarrage aux jeunes entreprises technologiques de Montréal, où elle continue de siéger en tant qu’associée commandité et membre du conseil d’administration.
Megan est une gestionnaire de risques canadienne certifiée (GRMI) et détient un baccalauréat en gestion internationale ainsi qu’une maîtrise en droit du Royaume-Uni. De plus, elle siège actuellement au comité des politiques publiques de la RIMS (société de gestion des risques et des assurances). Elle a également suivi le cours de Chef de la conformité et approfondit actuellement son expertise en matière d’ESG en suivant des cours à l’université de Toronto.

Mahesh Naduvath
Chief Technology Officer
As Chief Technology Officer, Mahesh leads the development and implementation of advanced technology solutions to optimize the efficiency, reliability, and performance of Smardt chillers and systems. He oversees key engineering teams—Controls, Systems Engineering, R&D, and Electrical Engineering—ensuring alignment with company goals. His core responsibilities include managing diagnostic software tools, optimizing energy management, and integrating emerging technologies like IoT, AI, and automation to enhance product offerings and streamline operational processes.
Mahesh joined Smardt with over 25 years of experience, bringing a wealth of expertise from his tenure at Johnson Controls, where he held several key leadership roles. His positions included Engineering Manager, Director of Chiller Integration and Global Engineering, and Vice President of Advanced Development and Technology.
Mahesh holds a bachelor’s and master’s degree, as well as a PhD in mechanical engineering.

Changiz Tolouee
Executive VP of Technology & Product Development
Changiz Tolouee serves as Executive VP of Technology & Product Development at Smardt, where he leads the company’s innovation efforts in HVAC solutions, with a focus on designing and advancing chiller technologies. With a deep expertise in product strategy and engineering, he leads the global product engineering efforts and advanced technology development at Smardt, driving the creation of innovative solutions that address the dynamic needs of both global customers and the evolving industry landscape. Changiz works closely with cross-functional teams to ensure the seamless integration of new technologies and market-driven solutions.
With more than 30 years of experience in the HVAC industry, Changiz brings a wealth of knowledge and expertise to his role. Throughout his career, he has held key leadership positions, including Vice President of Engineering at Trane Technologies (formerly Arctic Chiller Group), Director of Applications Engineering at Danfoss Turbocor Compressors, and Engineering Manager at Multistack International. Changiz’s diverse background in engineering and product development has equipped him with a unique ability to drive innovation and lead high-performing teams in the advancement of advanced chiller technologies.
Changiz holds a bachelor’s and master’s degrees, along with a PhD in mechanical engineering from Sharif University of Technology, Istanbul Technical University, and Swinburne University of Technology, respectively. His strong academic background complements his extensive professional experience, providing a solid foundation for his leadership in technology and product development.

Ashraf Abdalla
Chief Executive Officer (CEO)
Ash is the CEO of Smardt Chiller Group, where he oversees the strategic direction and daily operations of the company. He has developed and implemented long-term strategies that align with industry trends, thus ensuring the organization remains at the center of innovation. By overseeing daily operations, Ash fosters effective collaboration among all departments to achieve shared objectives, while carefully monitoring project timelines and budgets to ensure success.
Prior to becoming Smardt’s CEO in 2022, Ash served as Vice President and General Manager of the Global HVAC Applied Commercial Business at Johnson Controls. In this role, he oversaw the Global Applied Equipment segment, which includes chillers and air handling systems, as well as Service Parts Operations and Global Pricing. Prior to this position, Ash held various leadership roles at Johnson Controls, including Vice President and General Manager for the Middle East and Africa from 2014 to 2018, and Vice President and General Manager of the Global Chiller Solutions business from 2011 to 2014. His earlier tenure from 1996 to 2010 encompassed key roles in the US, UK, and Europe, focusing on manufacturing integration, operational rationalization, and supporting the JCI-Hitachi joint venture.
Ash holds a bachelor’s degree in mechanical engineering from the University of Westminster and a master’s degree in Refrigeration and Air Conditioning from the University of London. Additionally, he has completed postgraduate studies at INSEAD in Paris.

Feng Kong
Chief Operating Officer (COO)
Feng Kong serves as the Chief Operating Officer (COO) of Smardt, where he leads global safety, total quality across all divisions, global manufacturing and supply chain operations, as well as ensuring effective clinical execution throughout the organization to achieve the business plan and customer satisfaction. He also plays a key role in driving our profitable growth strategies, including portfolio and product expansion through mergers and acquisitions.
Prior to joining Smardt, Feng developed over 27 years of extensive experience in chiller and air-side operations across various leadership roles and regions, including China, Middle East, and North America. His notable positions include General Manager for Greater Asia Applied, Operations Director for Asia, Middle East, Africa, and India, and Global Continuous Improvement Director at Johnson Controls. Feng brings a strong expertise in lean manufacturing, manufacturing process engineering, and operational excellence.
Feng is a Lean Six Sigma Black Belt certified and KT practitioner and holds an MBA from Shanghai Jiao Tong University and a bachelor’s degree in mechanical engineering from Harbin Engineering University.

Philippe Rousset
Chief Financial Officer (CFO)
Philippe Rousset serves as the Chief Financial Officer (CFO) of Smardt, overseeing all Finance, IT, and ESG functions. His responsibilities encompass investor relations, mergers and acquisitions, financial planning and analysis, treasury, strategic business unit finance, controllership, external reporting, audit, tax, and risk management.
With a distinguished career spanning 25 years, Philippe has held pivotal roles in international multinational corporations (MNCs), both in corporate headquarters and as a business partner with regional and local operations. His extensive experience includes working in the Middle East (Lebanon & Qatar) and joining the Asia Pacific region in 2013 as the Regional CFO for Veolia Water Technologies, where he led regional transformation initiatives. Passionate about new technologies and innovative business models, Philippe founded SHAFT Ph Consulting in Singapore to assist start-ups and mid-cap companies in expanding their operations in Asia.
Philippe holds a Bachelor of Applied Science in Physics and Chemical Process, a Master’s in Business Administration, and a Master of Science in Sustainable Management from Imperial College, London, UK. He is a certified member of CPA Australia and a qualified International Merger and Acquisition Expert from The Institute for Mergers, Acquisitions and Alliances (IMAA), Zurich, Switzerland.

Megan Schoonberg
VP of Risk Management and Legal Affairs
Following a 20-year career in law, compliance, and risk management within the high-risk technology sector, Megan Schoonberg joined Smardt as its VP of Risk Management and Legal Affairs. Megan sits on the executive leadership team and lends her expertise to the board of directors, senior management and global teams in corporate governance, intellectual property management, insurance, contract administration, international compliance and enterprise risk management.
Also an entrepreneur, Megan co-created and led a non-profit organization assisting older adults stay active through part time work; chaired the board of a 50 year old non-profit charitable funding organization; and co-created an investment fund providing seed financing to Montreal tech start ups, where she continues to serve as general partner and board member.
Megan is a certified Canadian Risk Manager (GRMI) and holds a Bachelor’s degree in International Business, as well as a Master’s degree in Law from the UK. She has also completed the Chief Compliance Officer’s course and is currently expanding her expertise in ESG through courses at the University of Toronto.

Jean Turquois
Vice President of Business Optimization, Global Strategy and Planning
Jean is the Vice President of Business Optimization, Global Strategy and Planning at Smardt, where he spearheads the development and management of the company’s global strategy. His role encompasses supporting the General Managers of the Commercial Business Unit (CBU) and the Product Management team. He drives business optimization initiatives focused on excellence, including upgrades to Smardt’s strategic tools, with a particular emphasis on enhancing the new Smardt Portal. In addition, Jean oversees the Technical Support team and the Program Management Office (PMO), leading key transformation initiatives and cross-functional projects.
With over 18 years of experience in the HVAC industry, Jean has a strong background in general management. He has spent nearly 15 years in leadership roles, including as CEO of Engie Axima APAC and as General Manager and Business Development Director.
Jean holds a bachelor’s degree in mechanical engineering from Institut Catholique des Arts et Métiers University and an MBA from INSEAD Singapore.

Mahesh Naduvath
Chief Technology Officer (CTO)
As Chief Technology Officer (CTO), Mahesh leads the development and implementation of advanced technology solutions to optimize the efficiency, reliability, and performance of Smardt chillers and systems. He oversees key engineering teams—Controls, Systems Engineering, R&D, and Electrical Engineering—ensuring alignment with company goals. His core responsibilities include managing diagnostic software tools, optimizing energy management, and integrating emerging technologies like IoT, AI, and automation to enhance product offerings and streamline operational processes.
Mahesh joined Smardt with over 25 years of experience, bringing a wealth of expertise from his tenure at Johnson Controls, where he held several key leadership roles. His positions included Engineering Manager, Director of Chiller Integration and Global Engineering, and Vice President of Advanced Development and Technology.
Mahesh holds a bachelor’s and master’s degree, as well as a PhD in Mechanical Engineering.

Changiz Tolouee
Executive VP of Technology & Product Development
Changiz Tolouee serves as Executive VP of Technology & Product Development at Smardt, where he leads the company’s innovation efforts in HVAC solutions, with a focus on designing and advancing chiller technologies. With a deep expertise in product strategy and engineering, he leads the global product engineering efforts and advanced technology development at Smardt, driving the creation of innovative solutions that address the dynamic needs of both global customers and the evolving industry landscape. Changiz works closely with cross-functional teams to ensure the seamless integration of new technologies and market-driven solutions.
With more than 30 years of experience in the HVAC industry, Changiz brings a wealth of knowledge and expertise to his role. Throughout his career, he has held key leadership positions, including Engineering Manager at Multistack International, Director of Applications Engineering at Danfoss Turbocor Compressors, and Vice President of Engineering at Arctic Chiller Group. Changiz’s diverse background in engineering and product development has equipped him with a unique ability to drive innovation and lead high-performing teams in the advancement of advanced chiller technologies.
Changiz holds a bachelor’s and master’s degrees, along with a PhD in mechanical engineering from Sharif University of Technology, Istanbul Technical University, and Swinburne University of Technology, respectively. His strong academic background complements his extensive professional experience, providing a solid foundation for his leadership in technology and product development.

Robert Laurin
Group VP of IT
Robert Laurin is Group VP of IT at Smardt, overseeing all facets of IT operations while driving the acceleration of our IT Roadmap. In this pivotal role, he is committed to advancing our IT transformation by focusing on three key strategic initiatives: delivering best-in-class service levels, leveraging technology to enhance productivity, and strengthening cybersecurity measures to mitigate risks.
With extensive experience in managing large IT organizations within multinational corporations across all continents, Robert has a proven track record in driving IT transformations for IPO readiness and facilitating successful mergers and acquisitions.
Robert holds degrees from Concordia University in Montreal and the Sloan School of Management at MIT. He also shares his expertise as a lecturer at Sherbrooke University, focusing on Databases, Business Intelligence, and Big Data for graduate programs in IT.