AeroPure delivers the ultimate cooling experience: powerful, efficient, and ultra-quiet for any application that requires optimal performance.

- 60-710 TR (211-2500 kW)
- Oil-free compressor(s): R134a, R513A, R515B, and R1234ze
- AHRI Certified, ETL Certified, CE
Key Features & Benefits
- 设计灵活——一个基本系列支持不同选配以适用于各种风冷应用
- 一流的部分负载效率,在总容量范围内实现最佳IPLV
- 较同等容量冷水机占地面积小
- 全工况高灵敏度冷冻水控制响应
- Remote access
- Designed for ease of maintenance and serviceability
- Optional CPECS for further plant optimization